Jammu & Kashmir Will Receive Aid From The Netherlands To Invest In Agriculture

The Jammu and Kashmir Government was given assurances that the Dutch government will give complete support to help develop the areas agriculture and related industries to help develop the state’s economic well-being.

Jeroen  Roodenburg, the Netherlands’’ assistant ambassador to India, met in New Delhi with Ghulam Hassan Mir, Jammu & Kashmir’s agriculture minister. Roodenberg reiterated the commitment to provide Dutch technical help for the agriculture industry.

A spokesman quoted Roodenburg as follows:  “The government of Netherlands is ready to forward technology, farm machinery and elite planting material for agriculture, horticulture, floriculture and dairy farming to Jammu & Kashmir,” the spokesperson quoted Roodenburg as saying.

In addition, Henk van Duijn, the agricultural advisor from the Netherlands, will come to Kashmir shortly to begin working on the plan.

Until now, the main focus of the state economy was tourism. However, from now on agriculture will also be developed since it has great potential for creating employment. Mir mentioned that very high value produce can be grown at extremely low costs in this region. As part of the Saffron Mission, The government will provide farmers with high quality saffron seeds and the Spice Board of India will market the saffron.

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